Saturday, November 15, 2008


If press report can be believed there are two types of Bombs in India,namely Their Bombs and our Bombs. The action of bombs depends on who-you-are! If You are in the same phase with the planter of the bombs bomb will not hurt you but will simply tickle you and if you are "they" for the planters of bomb ....Gone. You will be blown off to pieces. So while waiting for trains/buses or roaming at a market place keep away from their bombs. The big B (the Assam variety) or small B (Malegaon variety)
May God save all of us from all sort of their bombs and our bombs


poor-me/പാവം-ഞാന്‍ said...

While reading the news pper i felt like this what about you?

poor-me/പാവം-ഞാന്‍ said...

Let us hope nobody will bombard all bombing cases in India!

annamma said...

May God save all of us from all sort of their bombs and our bombs